Sewing and Knitting Vintage-Style

  • Redemption by Truffle

    I may have overbooked my day somewhat today. Part of it I couldn’t help, I had a work meeting I found out about yesterday that I needed to go into Portland to attend. So I did that, and it made my workday seem very strange. I also decided that I had to finish the Truffle dress…

  • New Colette Patterns…in Pink

    New Colette patterns debuted today and they are gorgeous.  This is the Anise jacket I am now really determined to figure out what alterations I need to make for myself when working with Colette patterns. And I need to find some jacket fabric in just that shade of pink.

  • Mommy-Made Back to School: The Tunic Top

    Why I thought white would be a good color for Guinevere to wear all day at school, I don’t know. The fabric is another piece I found on a bargain table at Hancock. It’s a really soft cotton, slightly sheer, not quite as sheer or drapy as a voile, but not crisp like a batiste. I…

  • Shoes, Purses, & Finding New Love on Etsy

    I’m a shoe girl. I love new shoes, strange shoes, sparkly shoes, shiny shoes, high-heels, and pink shoes. Every time I do that whole closet clean-out thing where I de-clutter and get rid of some shoes it only opens up space for more shoes to accumulate. I am not so much a purse girl. I…

  • Macaron Muslin Woes & a New Strategy

    I finished my Macaron muslin. It is a wearable dress, but probably more for staying at home than for going out. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I do need more practical dresses to live in at home while I’m telecommuting to my day-job. The changes I think I need to make to make this…

  • Sew Colette 2.0, Work(s) in Progress & a Bit of Whining

    I started a new project yesterday and I’m quite frustrated with it. Since Sew Colette 2.0 the Macaron dress got a time extension, I thought I’d use the second chance to finally get one made up for myself. I’ve had a couple of barriers to getting started (I planned to join this sew-along as soon…

  • Maxi Dress Challenge: Bonus

    If you thought I could do a Maxi Dress Challenge with the Aunties and not include something for Guinevere, think again. The fabric is from the same gifted fabric stash as the rest for the Maxi Dress Challenge. I used the top pattern from Simplicity 4203 and added length to the gathered piece, measuring out how long…

  • Maxi Dress Challenge: Complete

    Remember the maxi-dress challenge? I’ll let the Aunties explain what they’ve been up to whenever they feel like sharing. Me? I have to share now…Right now. I started with Simplicity 2579, a now out-of-print pattern from 2009 that I picked up in a thrift store for 50 cents. Notice the contrast waist. I used that contrast fabric…

  • In Defense of the “Big Four”…Maybe

     So I was reading this post from Zoe of So Zo… and was going to comment, but then I realized that what I was thinking about was actually more of a posting of its own, rather off-topic from her post, but I’ve got to give her credit for making me think. I started wondering about the…