A Dapper Pair of Lads

Red Suits together

The only thing more fun than having a boy wearing a red suit is having two of them.

Romeo Red Suit TwoBest GQ pose. I love this picture, I can see a glimpse of what he’s going to look like as he becomes a young man.

Red Suit AceSneering look from the youngest child. What else could be expected?

Red Suits Backs(This just makes me wanna sing that song from Night at the Roxbury…”What is love…”)

Red Suits Together TwoYou may (or may not) remember the red suit I made for my brother, James this summer. He bought me enough fabric to make matching ones for my boys. He also made enough buttons for all the suits.

I used Burda 9781 for both suits. Size 7 for Romeo and size 3 for Ace. My boys are definitely on the slim side, and these suits fit just right. I’d made the jacket for Romeo once before, but hadn’t made the trousers until now. The next time I make the trousers, I might add a little to the leg length because there isn’t too much room for them to grow. Just like James’ suit, the trousers are fully-lined with the same Bemberg Rayon as the jackets are lined with. I added belt-loops to Romeo’s trousers, but left them off Ace’s since he usually wears suspenders instead.

Just because a boy wears a suit doesn’t mean he has to be serious all the time.

Romeo Being Silly

I haven’t given Ace or Romeo nearly enough face-time on my blog lately. They haven’t been in need of a lot of clothes. I see that changing soon though; they are definitely growing, and what they aren’t out-growing, they are wearing out. Active boys, always on the go.

Gotta Run






5 responses to “A Dapper Pair of Lads”

  1. Amanda Avatar

    Wow! You have made 3 suits! I hope they are all going to wear them on the same occasion ….they will look so cool!

  2. elizabeth s Avatar

    Aww, look at these guys! They are so handsome. Red is definitely a good color for your family. Cheers!

  3. ShanniLoves Avatar

    Awe so stinkin cute!!

  4. Lynn Avatar

    Adorable! The older boy looks so serious and grown-up in the first two pictures.

  5. liza jane Avatar

    Oh wow, these are amazing! Great job!

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