Cake Patterns Tiramisu: 2nd Edition

I’m still working on my mystery project (which has me saying weirdly obvious things out loud, such as “wow, 9 yards is the same as 27 feet”, just because it took something like 5 hours to cut out the pieces from the 9 yards of fashion fabric), but with two muslins needed for someone who doesn’t live at my house, there was time between fittings for a concurrent project. Not that I would get distracted or anything:

Who, Me?
Who, Me?

I’ve noticed a need in my wardrobe for some casual dresses, the kind that are easy to throw on in a hurry and easy to wash. My stripy Tiramisu, despite my initial worry that the stripes overpower me, is turning out to have been worn a lot since I finished it. I will note, in passing, that washing it did help the fabric recovery and it fits quite nicely now.

Enter a new version of Tiramisu in a 100% cotton knit from my stash (acquired from The Fabric Fairy sometime last fall with this dress in mind). My favorite on-line source for knit fabrics would definitely have to be The Fabric Fairy, partly because of the nice selection of fabrics, and partly when I get a box of things I’ve ordered, I can then say I was visited by the fabric fairy. It might be lame, but it IS fun to say.

Side View


I think novelty-prints are fun for casual dresses, but so many of them are printed on quilting cotton, which doesn’t lend itself to durable clothing. This cotton-knit was definitely meant to be turned into clothing; It’s so comfortable. I do wish it had just a little bit of Lycra in it, but that might just be spoiling myself. With the busy print I suppose it would have been more conventional to make it into a maxi-dress, but this was more fun.



I put some effort into stripe-matching, this is basically a plaid consisting of directional hearts and non-directional pinstripes. I don’t know what happened down that center back bodice seam that nothing matches. Oh, well. I’m not planning to lose sleep over what’s done (though if I ever make a plaid Tiramisu, I’ll check that seam more carefully as I cut it out)

Sneaking up


What’s that sneaking in at the bottom left here? Is that Jalie 2805 in a smallish size?

Models Don't Smile

Yes, it is a small v-neck T-shirt. It fits, but there isn’t a lot of growing room. I think I’ll trace it off a size or two larger before I make the next one for her. I’m really happy with that pattern. This is the first shirt I’ve made from it, and with the size/neckline options included, it should keep Guinevere in t-shirts until she grows up and moves out. From the picture above, I gather that someone must have told Guinevere that models don’t smile…but I’d bet they do when they hug their moms.



Stash-busting stats: 15/25



9 responses to “Cake Patterns Tiramisu: 2nd Edition”

  1. Kimberly Hughes Avatar

    I love your tiramisu. I’ve been tiramisu obsessed. If you ever make a plaid tiramisu, I’d suggest if it isn’t a symmetrical plaid just eliminating that seam by putting it 1/2 inch over the fold. I’ve done that on a few of my versions and it doesn’t detract from the dress at all.

    I just got that Jalie pattern for t-shirts, too. I’m glad to see how cute it is in a small size.

  2. Gjeometry Avatar

    Gorgeous! I love the fabric you chose and I think the fit you got in your tiramisu is just perfect! and, how cute is tiny person in her T-shirt!!! 🙂

  3. liza jane Avatar

    Lovely! Love your matching cutie, too!

  4. Cherie (@TheSewingLab) Avatar

    I have seen so many people make a Tiramisu and this is another one that turned out great. I’m officially putting that on my list of things to sew. I had my first matching fail on a plaid recently. I also decided not to lose sleep. I am not sure “normal” (non-sewing) people really notice those things. Love the purple hearts! Well done!

  5. EmSewCrazy Avatar

    How fun! What a great Tira out of a great fabric! Looks like you and your daughter will both enjoy your new pieces.

  6. ShanniLoves... Avatar

    Very cute! The print goes great with that pattern.

  7. Mikhaela Reid Avatar

    SUCH a great fabric for this… super sweet but it doesn’t look like just a kid’s print either. Beautiful Tira!

  8. Nancy Avatar

    I just finished my first Tiramisu tonight, made out a rayon lycra (I think) that I bought at Fabric Depot a year or so ago (so not too long in the stash). Not sure if I cut the wrong size or if my fabric was just too stretchy, but I ended up having to pull the center front pieces down 2 inches to fix the giant gaping neckline. Anyway, I love the print on your dress!

  9. Carolyn Avatar

    You both look really cute in your matching clothes! 🙂

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