Category: Uncategorized
Hooray for Well-Timed Mail Deliveries!
Thank you for commiserating with me on sleeve fitting issues (and for not trying to sell me on some “if you just do this simple thing, you’ll shrink your arms in no time” plan. I’m not against arm-toning, but for right now I’d like to focus on making the clothes fit my current shape) I’m feeling much…
Closet Orphan in the Making vs. Diamond in the Rough
I’ve been a little blue this week. Just when I thought I was going to be able to get more comfortable with documenting me-made clothing with photographic evidence of my wearing for all to see, I hit a bump in the road that made things all uncomfortable again. So here we go:I made a dress…
Oriental Lily Sweater: Staying Stylish in the Ice
I’m still sewing, but I’ve made great progress in the knitting sphere lately too. While Pete’s Guston Sweater was awaiting blocking and seaming, I kept up the knitting by casting on an Oriental Lilly Sweater (available on Ravelry as a free download) for Guinevere. This is a quick and easy knit with no seaming and only a…
2013 Stashbusting Sew-Along: I’m In
Have you noticed the new button on my blog? That’s right, I’ve joined up for a year-long sew-along based in stash-busting. Hosted by Cindy of Cation Designs and Emily from Em Sew Crazy, this is an idea I can really get behind. I’ve got at least 15+ years worth of accumulated fabrics. Some are fairly recently acquired…
Guston Sweater: Keeping My Man Warm This Winter
The picking up of a handicraft more portable than sewing has finally paid off in a finished product! I’d shown how I was thinking about starting, then how I was working on a sweater for Pete, including the reason it was being made up in an impossible to photograph orange color. Now it’s finally done.…
Jungle January: Feline Style Is the Cat’s Meow
Looking at the calendar, I see it’s January. Not just any January though; this is Jungle January as hosted by Prttynpnk of Pretty Grievances. Not one to let a parade (especially one including both cats and sewing) pass me by, I’ve made up a skirt. Every time I read something style-advice related where someone wants…
Work-in-Progress: Some Sort of Jacket-Looking Thing
At what point do side-projects become just another form of procrastination? I’m not sure, but I do know that it was quite satisfying to temporarily leave off my current work-in-progress project for Guinevere’s recent puffy-dress. I fear crossing over that line of “I’ll just make this other thing up quick so I feel like I’m…
Violette Field Threads Chloe Dress: On Trend for Spring 2013
If you’ve been anywhere near Pinterest in the past month or so, you may have noticed that quite a few people are pinning pictures of tulle skirts and/or expressions of their excitement over Pantone naming Emerald Green as the color of 2013. I can’t say I’m disappointed in their choice of emerald green. It’s a little…
Blogging Awards
I’ve been nominated by Anne of Pretty Grievances for a couple of blog awards. Thank you Anne. My job now is to pass these along. The first is the Premio Primavera award. This is a thank you for commenting award. The rules ask one to acknowledge the last nine people who commented on one’s blog…